CrossCert developed an in-house Blockchain database solution using the Ethereum platform to provide public Blockchain services. Clients can now enjoy maximum data integrity by deploying our Blockchain solutions.
I. About The Crosscert BlockChain
CrossCert deploys a customized version of Ethereum’s open source for its in-house blockchain. Having developed its own blockchain-based data audit – and integrity tool, CrossCert has profound expertise in blockchain technology. This in turn enables us to guarantee maximum data integrity of our smrat contract signing services.
II. Key Features
Private Blockchain-based distributed DB solutions developed in-house, in cooperation with Seoul National University in Seoul, Korea
III. How it Works
CrossCert’s private Blockchain-based DB platform uses Async method functions to add and search Blockchain transactions. This unique capability is added to prevent transaction holding until data is confirmed, which frequently takes place in low-speed network environments.
Use Case: Blockchain-based customer reward service for local commerce (“Bitcoupon”)